Moving Checklist
You have found your dream home and are just waiting for moving day. (Or maybe you haven’t yet; Let me help you.) You may be so excited that you may forget some things. It is a good idea to make a list of things to do, as they come to mind. Here is a moving checklist that will help make your experience that much easier.
- Return your library books, and return everything that you borrowed . Remind your friends to return books and other items they borrowed from you.
- If you are moving out of the area, close out safe deposit boxes and bank account .
- Arrange for the school records and doctors records to be transferred to new location if applicable.
- Have a garage sale or donate items you do not need. Donate magazines and books that you do not need, to the library.
- Discontinue services like utilities, cable, newspaper and trash.
- Pick up change of address kit at the post office. Inform the post office of new address as well as the following: magazines, credit card companies, insurance companies, and all the people on your Holiday Card list. Do not wait till the holidays. You can just email people on your holiday list and if you have a new telephone number include it. Buyers usually call us and say they have received mail for previous owners.
- Make arrangements for your pets. I have seen a few cases where they have forgotten to take the pet.
- If you are hiring a moving company get references and try to get two estimates. Make sure they are insured.
- Get a voter registration card for new address.
- Change the address in your passport and driver’s license. Get new return address labels.
- Don’t forget to call your local utilities.
Here is a great moving checklist provided by Zach in conjunction with FrogBox – Recyclable Moving Boxes, to help organize your move!